Sunday, March 8, 2009

Carbs and Losing Weight

More and more people are getting on the no carb and low carb bandwagon as a way to lose weight. This can be a healthy way to control your weight if you follow some rules. You do need some carbs in order to allow your body to function properly. A no carb diet is not really what you should be striving for. Instead you should try to limit your carbohydrate intake to a realistic level. Most low carb diets recommend a level of 40 to 80 grams of carbs a day. If you watch what you eat this is possible but it can mean a change to your diet.
For example, one slice of white bread can be about 22 grams of carbs. This is because wheat is a high carb food but also white bread is made with highly process flour. Some of the bad carbohydrates in food can be counteracted by carbs from fiber but with white bread the fiber has been all removed. Many celebrities are finding a diet with no carb foods is one that helps them lose weight and keep it off.
I have a friend who was overweight his whole life until about 10 years ago when he read about the Adkins diet. He started following it and lost enough fat to get down to the normal weight for his body type. He has now basically been eating a low carb diet for 10 years and he has kept his weight off. Mostly, he stays away from bread and potatoes and that does the trick for him. I asked him about other vegetables and he said he never worries about them because most of the time the majority of bad carbs is offset by the fiber.
As I have said in this blog before, we have got to get more realistic about what we put into our mouths. This unwillingness to face our relationships with food cause people to want to learn how to become anorexic fast and do harm to their bodies that will never heal. It is like everything else in this culture, we don't want to work for it we want it now. People don't want to change their diet to a healthy one and to start an exercise program, they want to eat whatever they want and then purge it out. I know because I used to be an active bulimic. Luckily, I stopped before it did long term damage I think. I do have some problems with ulcers which can be linked to vomitting.
how to become anorexic fast
how to become anorexic fast

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Lenses

As I have shared in this blog before, I have struggled with being overweight and food addiction my whole life. Because of this I have gained a lot of knowledge about nutrition, weight loss, and food addiction over the years. One vehicle I am using to share this information is this blogspot blog. It is great because adding posts to a blog is so easy I can have an idea and almost instantly I can put type it in to blogspot and post it on the web. The problem is I then need to get people to view the blog. I have decided that I need to find other ways to get my message out while still posting here.
I have decide to start a few lenses at A lens it just a web page that is posted to the internet like any other web page. They are very easy to make and I can realistically set one up in about 20 minutes which includes writing the text I want to put on the page.
You can view two of my lenses at no carb foods and healthy diets. My plan with the lenses is to focus a small particular aspect of healthy eating and food addiction with each page and explore it to its fullest. The nice thing about using Squidoo is you can have as many lenses as you want. In fact they really would like you to develop as many as possible. Their business model involves making money off of people's lenses and sharing that revenue with the authors. I guess it works. All I know is that it is another great place to post content.